Sunday, December 13, 2009

I've never liked monopolies. Since I took my economics degree, and even before my involvement in politics, I've found that monopolies are one of the great abusers of humanity. Well, a company called "White Label Marketing" is becoming all things to all people.

It is essentially a dating marketing tool which caters for a number of niche dating markets. Want a granny? White label Dating! Want a Married Affair? White Label Dating!!! Want a fuck buddy? White Label Dating, of course.

I honestly wouldn't worry about it, except all of these various sites share the same database!! You can't join all of them at once, because they are a franchise. You join the niche your interesed in. If you want to contact someone, they need to have joined the same site as you, even if you could see them on another site. Clever move, vert clever, if not a bit dishonest.

If you do go on another site, look for the White Label sign. Just look at the bottom of the site to see who owns it. And if you leave, delete your profile as this will take it off all of their sites. Or at least should do?