Monday, February 22, 2010


No, not what you think. I had a new follower named webdater. He is doing similar to me, in that he goes to dating sites and then joints and reports on his experience. Well he mentioned one site called smooch. So, as you would when you hear a good report you join.

Well, after a few days I receive this email;

Dear Tigerlight,

Your account with has been removed. This is because your profile indicated that you were looking for swinging, a threesome, an extra-marital relationship or to be dishonest or unfaithful to a partner. We do not allow the above mentioned activity through our site, though there are other sites available that may better suit your requirements.

Please note that you are now forbidden to rejoin the site and if you do, or you attempt to access the site through any other account, we reserve the right to remove that account without notice and without refunding any further fees paid for credits, in accordance with our Terms and Conditions regarding banned members.

Yours sincerely, Customer Services

OK,. silly me, I should have read the rules before joining. All you married people, you've been warned. I could have blamed webdater for not checking out that angle, but you win some and lose some, and anyway, why would I want to be a member of a site that didn't want my lovely persona. Their lose, tah!!

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Plenty o' Fish Part II..

OK, folks I said that I would update you on my expereince on Plenty of Fish. Well I did my first 10 test emails. The emails went off with no problem or nag screen. I did see the advert to "upgrade" a word I view with dred. OK, on a free site could they really want me to pay? Well yeah!! After going through a series of personality based questions which must have taken ages, I got a monthly charge rate to upgrade. Mind you it would improve my chances by 230%.  I turned down the offer and moved away as fast as my keyboard would take me.

One of the great things about the site is the dating categories. Long term, frineds, activty partner (backgammon, not what you lot are thinking), and of course Intimate Encounters. When you send an email you can block certain people from sending you mail. So if you don't want to receive emails from married people you can go into settings and block them from sending emails. Smart.

I decided to check my sent emails. Low and behold another useful feature. It shows you whether someone has read your email or not. My esteem came crushing down as more than 50% of those whom I sent emails to deleted the emails without even reading them. Grrrr. Horrid people. The others read it and just didn't respond.

I've now got two emails. Both for singles parties. I took the delete option.

Since I've not had a response, I've decided that this site is not really for me, but don't let my experience put you off. After all its a large site, you probably need to search quite a bit. There are plenty of people who have actually logged on as opposed to sites like love is a Bug where people have not logged onto the site for months.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Only one story on Valentines day ~ infedelity!!!

So, we have Vernon Kay, Cashley Cole and John Terry being pilloried in the press as very naughty boys on this Valentines Day. Given the nature of my blogs, I don't see infidelity as some alternative lifestyle. Many people are unfaithful for good and valid reasons. That's why I had a lot of difficulty in making my mind up about John Terry and whether he should have continued as England Captain on moral grounds.

I'm not sure if any of the above can necessarily say that, but we don't know their private lives, only their public persona, so indefelity is portrayed as something practised by sex obssessed dogs, rather than people who have a real and genuine reason to stray.

This is why I simply feel that moral grounds are a risky areas to make any decision when someone in public is exposed. The "role model" decision I could live with in the case of John Terry, though I bulk at this because his misdemeaners are not directly connected with football.

His wife, at least in public has appeared to take him back to the disgust of the red tops. But the reality is that his own  downfall was projecting a public image of a faithful married Dad, winning Dad of the year 2009 when in fact he was a serial adulterer. This made him, in my mind fair game for the press.

The same could be said for Tiger Woods. He set himself up to be shot down, but in reality, it should have been none of our business. I have no sympathy for Ashley Cole, whose's simply a money and female obsesed dog. Sorry.

Brings me to another point in this meandering article. Do you ever wonder why so many men cheat on some of the most beautiful women in the world? Would you cheat on Kylie Minogue? Halle Berry? Tess Daly?They are just three women I'd spend my day in bed with. And yes, at the same time, Lol.

But it goes to show that relationsihps are more than just simply a nice body and good looks. And I'm sure that many of the men and women cheat because no matter how beautiful their partners are, if something is wrong in their marriage - straying is an option.

I can say one more thing on this valentines day. John Terry, Cashley Cole and even Tiger Woods et all will cheat again as night follows day.

Happy Valentines Day to you all.

Monday, February 8, 2010

On IE two days, first date tomorrow....

Heaven knows what tomorrow will bring,but  tomorrow I meet my stalker. I've set up the meet and so long as snow doesn't come and ruin the day, we will be meeting. Already exchanged some very saucy text messages and spoke on the phone. I have also had some communications from my other site, but until something is firmed up, I'll hold powder on that one. Wish me luck.

Friday, February 5, 2010

Back on IE and already being stalked!!

Just to let you all know that I'm back on IE. Yes, it is a comment on these other sites I've been visiting, the majority being a waste of time and money.

I will conclude my time with "plenty of fish" in another post.

For those not aware of the IE rules, men are unable to close or delete their accounts. If the rules have now changed let me know. Furthermore, admin has decreed that it is an absolute, total sin to inform people that you are a basic member.

As a gold member you can hide your status, but hey, your rofile WILL come up in a search. bah!!

So with these restraints in mind I log onto my IE mail, and women have written to me,moi? fantastic!! One poor woman, unaware of the restraints explained above has now written to me three times. Three emails in the space of a week!! I feel as if I've been cyber stalked!!

I'll have to write to her if only to explain that I wasn't dissing her. I really hate being rude.

I'm really gonna enjoy my month on IE. It sort of feels good to be "home" after my travels.